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3d printing a phone case

by:TenChen Tech     2019-11-28
We will design, customize and 3D print the case with a few simple steps.
To do this, you need something simple: you need to know what your phone case is before you start designing it.
You will want to know: we have designed an iPhone 5/5S/SE case with McLaren logo in Auto CAD.
You can find one.
Online stl files, or make a 3d model yourself if you are smart enough and have time.
We recommend finding a model on a website like thingiverse, or, if you have an iPhone 5/5S/SE, you can use our base model.
If you would like to customize your case, we recommend using the subtract command in AutoCAD or equivalent software to remove patterns from your design, such as our McLaren logo.
In this way, it won\'t be caught in your pocket.
Before 3D printing the case, you need to take the case out of the 3D modeling software and prepare the actual printing.
Since we use AutoCAD, we will show you how we do it, but google is your friend if you are not sure how to do these steps in different situations.
This is what we do: first, you need to export the casestl file.
To do this in AutoCAD, select Export, other formats in the top left menu \".
Stl, and save the file.
Then, select the object in AutoCAD and click enter to save.
Now, you need to take it.
Import stl files into slicing software such as makerbot3D.
MakerBot is software compatible with our 3D printer, but you may need different software.
We use MakerBot to make the file readable and ready to upload to a 3D printer.
In MakerBot, we make sure that the boxes are placed centered on the platform and that the filler, plastic type, and level of detail are set.
We recommend high detail and 35% padding.
Once you have the file ready, you need to save it to the flash drive.
Now you\'re ready to print!
Now that you have this box on the flash drive.
You are in your hometown, but it is the longest step now.
You just plug the flash drive into the 3D printer and follow a few simple steps.
Depending on the settings you use and the speed of the printer, this can take a long time.
We spent 4 1/2 hours and it sounds a lot, but it\'s not that bad because you pay little attention to it.
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