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design and 3d print a phone case: 3 steps (with pictures)

by:TenChen Tech     2019-11-26
These step-by-
Step instructions will guide you through the basics of creating custom phone cases using Tinkercad and preparing for 3D printing.
The attachment is the file of the iPhone 6 case.
Tinkercad is a free web-based CAD program: www. tinkercad.
ComThe introduction comes with the iPhone 6 shell template file.
It can also be found in Tinkercad. Importing: 1.
Select import 2 in the upper right corner.
Open the iPhone6Case.
STL file lookup in Tinkercad: 1.
Go to your Tinkercad home page.
Search kaad in the search bar located in the top right corner.
Select the kaad design and once you have the iPhone shell template on your work plane, select tinker this to start customizing your design.
Design with holes 1.
Drag and drop the shape onto the work Plane 2.
When selecting the shape, click hole 3 in the upper right corner.
Place, zoom, and align shapes to the desired position on the phone\'s shell.
Select all shapes and holes (ctrl+a)
Press group 5 in the upper right corner.
To achieve greater success, rotate the phone case 180 degrees so that it can lay the Tablet 1.
Select export in the upper right corner.
Download. STL 3. Upload .
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